Caron Tornado Roll Out Machine

Caron Tornado Roll Out Machine


Spreader equipped with automatic turntable allowing to spread face to face in pairs, ideal for velvet and menswear production.

Automatic rewinding and threading during turntable rotation movement that takes place while idle running to spread point. The antistatic inclined plane together with the electronic fabric feeding ensure excellent spreading quality (inspection light optional).


Automatic cradle tilt for rolls up to 100 kg in weight. Adjustable edge control for front alignment. Variable speed two way cutting with automatic lift of cutter (to suit thickness of material) and adjustable blade rotation speed. Cutter unit remains in position when zig-zag spreading to allow cutting out of flaws. Variable spreading speed up to 100 m/min. Electronic dancer bar for tension free spreading. Touch Screen Operator Panel allows easy programming of machine, including the programming of different steps with up to 20 markers and 25 different rolls.


Automatic spreading of irregular steps selecting “balanced” or “stack” spreading mode. Rational control panel allows activating essential functions for one-hand operation. Guided touch programming of marker lengths and overlapping points. Overlap function ensures accurate flaws management. Material consumption data available at the changing roll. Memory capacity for a max. of 10 fabric settings. Presetting to later on board PC interface (optional). Comprehensive range of dedicated accessories.


Technical Sheet